Hearing Aid Fitting

It’s time to rediscover the joy of clear hearing! Our personalized hearing aid fittings are designed to help you reconnect with the beauty of sound in your daily life. Following the comprehensive hearing test and consultation, your next step is the hearing aid fitting. Our process is focused on you: your preferences, your lifestyle, and your specific hearing requirements.
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The Personalized Fitting Process

Choosing the right hearing aid is a balance of science and personal preference. We take the results of your hearing test and consultation to recommend the perfect hearing aids. Then, we work with you to give you a personalized fit. Together we consider:

Your Lifestyle

The activities you engage in, your work environment, and your social habits all influence the type of hearing aid and the settings that will best suit your needs.

Aesthetic and Comfort Preferences

How the hearing aid looks and feels is equally important to its functionality. We ensure your comfort and confidence in wearing your chosen device.

Advanced Technology and Features

Modern hearing aids come equipped with various features, from Bluetooth connectivity to noise reduction. We discuss these options to find the features that will enhance your hearing experience. During the fitting, we calibrate programs and settings based on your hearing test results.

Implementing Real Ear Measurements

Accuracy in hearing aid performance is non-negotiable. Aspire Audiology adheres to the best industry practices, including functional gain testing and using Real Ear Measurements (REM) to make sure your devices are at their best. REM is a method used to verify that your hearing aids are programmed correctly for your unique ear anatomy and hearing loss. This involves:

Measuring How Sound is Delivered

We measure how sound delivered by the hearing aid interacts with your ear canal. This helps us make adjustments to programs.

Fine-tuning the Hearing Aid

Based on REM results, we can adjust the hearing aid settings to ensure that it delivers sound accurately according to your hearing loss profile.

Ensuring Optimal Performance

REM ensures that the hearing aids provide the right amount of amplification for all sounds, from the softest whisper to the loudest music, tailored specifically for your hearing needs.

Beyond the Fitting: Education and Adaptation

Adapting to your new hearing aids involves more than just wearing them. It's a process that requires understanding and patience, and our team is here to support you every step of the way. We provide comprehensive education on how to use and maintain your hearing aids, including:

Daily Usage Tips

How to insert and remove your hearing aids, turn them on and off, and use their features effectively. We also offer more tips on how to use the programs and settings for the best results.

Maintenance Guidance

Cleaning your devices, changing filters, and storing them properly will extend their lifespan. We’ll review daily cleaning practices.

Battery Management

Whether you’re using disposable or rechargeable batteries, we show you how to manage your hearing aid power efficiently.

Adjustments and Follow-up Support

Our commitment to your hearing health doesn't end with the initial fitting. Adjustment periods vary, and it's not uncommon to require follow-up visits to fine-tune your hearing aids. As you get used to your devices, you may need some slight changes to your settings. These appointments allow us to:

Assess Your Progress

Gathering feedback on your experiences helps us understand how you’re adapting to your hearing aids.

Make Necessary Adjustments

Based on your feedback, we can fine-tune the programming of your hearing aids to improve comfort and performance.

Answer Questions

Any questions or concerns you have can be addressed during these follow-ups, ensuring you’re getting the most out of your hearing aids.


Why Choose Aspire Audiology for Your Hearing Aid Fitting?

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Visit Us For Hearing Aid Fittings

Hearing aid fittings are more than just finding the right device. We want you to enjoy the richness of sound in the most seamless way possible. With a focus on personalization, advanced technology, and comprehensive support, we're dedicated to helping you navigate the journey to improved hearing. Contact Aspire Audiology today and take the next step towards a life enriched by better hearing.
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