From Dizziness to Vertigo: How Hearing Loss Influences Balance Disorders
Hearing loss doesn’t only affect your ability to hear and comprehend speech. It can also be connected to a variety of other health concerns, such as dizziness or vertigo.
Our sense of balance is located within the cochlea, which is where the hearing nerve lives deep inside the inner ear. If you have hearing loss that was the result of a head or ear injury, then you could experience issues with your sense of balance.
How Exactly Is Hearing Connected to Balance?
Our balance system relies on the labyrinth, a maze of bone and tissue in the inner ear. In the labyrinth is the cochlea, which is where the hearing nerve is located. Near the cochlea are semicircular canals and the otolithic organs which are responsible for our sense of balance. This is where our body, along with our sight and touch, senses movement.
If you experience dizziness or vertigo, hearing loss could be the culprit. Problems with the inner ear responsible for hearing loss can also lead to balance issues, dizziness, or even vertigo.
Balance problems and hearing loss do not always go together. You can have hearing loss without ever experiencing a problem with your balance. It’s important if you have hearing loss that is the result of a head or ear injury to seek immediate attention, so you don’t have additional problems with balance or experience falls in the future.
What You Can Do
Taking care of your hearing health means you will feel better overall. Our ears are intricately connected to our whole body and overall health, so it’s important to practice good ear health and schedule annual hearing check-ups.
If you are experiencing hearing loss and problems with your balance, contact Aspire Audiology & Hearing Center today! We offer comprehensive hearing services for the people of Paradise Valley, Fountain Hills, North Phoenix, and the surrounding communities. We can help you find the cause of your hearing loss and dizziness and offer you solutions to help you feel better.
Contact us today and start feeling your best!